
ultibi FRTB aggregator was built with performance in mind. Bellow table summarizes a large Equity portfolio:

│ RiskClass ┆ RiskCategory ┆ RiskFactorType ┆ TradeId_count ┆ PnL_Up_count ┆ BucketBCBS_n_unique ┆ RiskFactor_n_unique ┆ RiskFactorType_n_unique │
│ ---       ┆ ---          ┆ ---            ┆ ---           ┆ ---          ┆ ---                 ┆ ---                 ┆ ---                     │
│ str       ┆ str          ┆ str            ┆ u32           ┆ u32          ┆ u32                 ┆ u32                 ┆ u32                     │
│ Equity    ┆ Delta        ┆ EqSpot         ┆ 648506        ┆ 648506       ┆ 4                   ┆ 18316               ┆ 1                       │
│ Equity    ┆ Delta        ┆ EqRepo         ┆ 219792        ┆ 219792       ┆ 3                   ┆ 18316               ┆ 1                       │

This portfolio consist of 868298 Equity Delta and Curvature (see PnL_Up_count) Sensitivities splic across 4 buckets, 18316 risk factors(equity names/tickers), with both Spot and Repo Present.

The result as of ultibi v0.1.3: --- Read DF time: 483.5027ms --- --- Assign Weights time: 1.1574655s ---

Just single EQ Delta Charge:

request2 = dict(
        ["EQ DeltaCharge Medium", "scalar"]
    # Break down results by Group and BucketBCBS

    # Show totals for each Group (note in this example only 1)
    totals = True,
    # Hide rows where each result is 0
        "jurisdiction": "BCBS",
        # Apply 21.98
        "apply_fx_curv_div": "true",

--- Compute time: 0.22789788246154785 seconds ---

request2 = dict(
        ["SBM Charge", "scalar"]
    # Break down results by Group and BucketBCBS

    # Show totals for each Group (note in this example only 1)
    totals = True,
    # Hide rows where each result is 0
        "jurisdiction": "BCBS",
        # Apply 21.98
        "apply_fx_curv_div": "true",

--- Compute No Deps time: 2.538625478744507 seconds ---


Note, thanks to ultibi's internal caching mechanism, basic measures can be reused. For example:

request = dict(
        ["SBM Charge High", "scalar"],
        ["SBM Charge Low", "scalar"],
        ["SBM Charge Medium", "scalar"]
    # Break down results by Group and BucketBCBS

    # Show totals for each Group (note in this example only 1)
    totals = True,
    # Hide rows where each result is 0
        "jurisdiction": "BCBS",
        # Apply 21.98
        "apply_fx_curv_div": "true",

--- Compute No Deps time: 0.010367870330810547 seconds ---

Compute time is almost identical to that of request2. This is because SBM Charge is a simple max of SBM Charge Low, SBM Charge Medium, SBM Charge High and therefore almost no additional compute is required.

DataSet cache stores results of basic measures such as EQ DeltaCharge Medium. Therefore the next request will reuse them.

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